Saturday 9 January 2016

Thoughts on Oculus Rift Price -Gist

My Opinion:

The Oculus Rift is a fantastic gadget that is innovating and showing us a glimpse into the future of gaming for the generations to come: with many big brands producing their own variant of the VR headset; with one of the most popular being the Sony VR. 

What Can you expect from the Oculus Rift? Its an experience that comes with a price. The Oculus has blown a lot of gamers minds at E3 events and has been a major part of the Youtube Gaming industry lately, with its specific games that are made by indie developers and are free for use. The Oculus will let gamers that have the $$$ to experience gaming from a new standard/angle, the feeling that you are sucked into a game and play with a controller, is something that gamers have been wanting for a while now and that dream is now a reality, A Virtual Reality! (Game Theorist Joke)

Lets talk about the Pricing, The price is quite high for a gadget, at $599, it is not something that is affordable by all, the CEO of Project Oculus has came out and talked about soon reducing the price for those that cannot afford it, since it is now more expensive than the current generation consoles PS4 and Xbox One. From my View i think it should be reduced to like $299 I know that is a huge decrease from the original price, but if the company expect people to buy their product they have to reduce it to an affordable price for all.

(Or Just wait for the Sony VR! hhaahah)

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